Nicegram / Blog / Best Telegram Group Links 2024
Having opened Telegram messenger for the first time, users sometimes do not know how to add or join Telegram group link. Initially, the main window of this app contained only messages from Telegram and recordings of its channel. In fact, the messenger offers its subscribers with the opportunity to read interesting information and communicate with each other in special Telegram group links.
The Telegram messenger is becoming more and more popular every day. The developers have put the privacy and security of their users at the forefront, which is good news. One of the most notable features is the groups.
Since it will be no trouble to create Telegram group link, and the whole process can take a few minutes, there are many interesting communities today.
In addition to the usual entertainment chats created to communicate with friends or colleagues, you can also find professional communities where you can share professional experiences. There are many groups: dating Telegram group, Indian Telegram group, technology Telegram group, bitcoin Telegram group link, videos link funny groups, simple videos Telegram group, a group about link technology Telegram, jobs news chat, etc.
What is a Telegram group? How to join a Telegram group link? How do you find an active community of Telegram groups links that interests you? Is it safe to subscribe to Telegram groups and communities? How to create your own Telegram group link? Let’s figure it out together.
Telegram Group Links
First, we present to your attention a new selection that consists of the most popular groups in Telegram. Among them, you will find suitable and useful, serious and funny Telegram group link, as well as really the best Telegram groups that are worth subscribing to! Enjoy reading funny, sports, dating, music, games, education, technology, cryptocurrency, popular video, top people app, home themes, free fun android apps chat, and do not forget to add this page to your favorites so as not to lose it!
List of Telegram Groups Links by Category
- Adult 18+
- Dating
- Nudes 18+
- Gay 18+
- Nsfw 18+
- Hentai
- Crypto
- Music
- Technology
- Bots
- Esoteric
- Top Telegram Groups
What is Telegram Group?
A Telegram group is essentially a chat room where people communicate with each other. The group unites participants by interests: they can be motorists, employees of the same company, classmates, or close friends.
All Telegram groups are divided into open and secret. What is the difference between them? In the first case, anyone can access the group. It is enough to find a chat through a search in the Telegram messenger itself or find a link in special online catalogs, or through social networks.
But if the correspondence is private, then even if you have a link, the community administrator will have to manually confirm your application.
The Telegram group link accommodates up to 200,000 members who can discuss any topic all together at the same time.
In addition, in no case should you confuse groups with channels. This is a fairly common mistake. The difference between them is that each participant can write in a group, whereas only a few people have this opportunity in a channel. The rest get acquainted with the material only in reading mode.
Where Can You Find Telegram Groups Links?
As we have already found out, to join Telegram groups links, you need to find it. There are several options for how and where this can be done.
- Search in Telegram. The easiest option, especially if you know the name of the Telegram groups links. To do this, click on the search icon in the upper-right corner — if you use Telegram for Android; on the search bar in the center of the screen — if you use the app on iOS; or on the search bar in the upper-left corner — if you use the desktop version. In the “Global Search” section, the messenger will display the first three most suitable results.
- Social network. In various social media communities, especially Facebook, you can find links to some communities or their names. In this way, it is very effective to search for thematic chats, which are usually supported by the same people who run the page on the social network.
- Special online catalogs. These are special sites that contain links to the most popular Telegram communities.
How to Join and Exit a Telegram Group Link
If you found the group you’re interested in, how do you subscribe to it? Click on the “Join the Group” button. It is noteworthy that if the chat is open, then even before you join it, you will be able to see all the messages. As soon as you manage to add yourself, you can also write messages.
If over time, for various reasons, you want to delete the Telegram group, follow these steps:
- Click on the chat avatar located at the top of the screen. This way, you will be able to access basic information about the group.
- At the bottom, you can see the “Leave the Group” button, colored red. Click on it.
- Confirm your withdrawal from the group after the appropriate request.
That’s it, from now, you will stop receiving messages, and you will also not be able to write a message yourself. Only by joining the chat, you can write message.
How to create a Telegram group link
To create Telegram group link via the Telegram desktop version, you need such knowledge as:
- Click on the “Menu” tab in the left corner of the window.
- Click on the “Create a group” button.
- Enter the name of the group and click “Next”.
- To select a participant, just click on the user, and he will appear at the top of the window.
- Click on the “Create” button;
Is it safe to join Telegram groups links?
Telegram is one of the safest platforms for communication. All conditions for private communication and data transfer are created here. In addition, all necessary measures are being taken to protect the participants of the group in Telegram. However, you should not click on unfamiliar links and trust your data to strangers on series Telegram group links.
Is there a limit on joining Telegram groups?
To date, Telegram has no limit on joining Telegram group and community. This means that you can join as many Telegram groups links as you want. The main thing is not to get confused and lose important chats.
How to choose an active best Telegram group link?
If you want to choose an active Telegram group link in which posts are published daily, and communication is conducted non-stop, then the first thing you need to pay attention to is the date of the last publication and number of members. If the last active communication was conducted a month ago, the group is inactive — not to join Telegram group link. You can join only active group with up to >1K members.
What is the difference between public and private groups?
Anyone can access a public group. It is enough to find a chat through a search in the Telegram messenger itself or find a link in special online catalogs, or through social networks.
But if the correspondence is private, then even if you have a link, the community administrator will have to manually confirm your application. And it may be that he did not like you in some way, and in this case, you will not be able to get into the chat.
Possible Problems When Joining the Telegram Chat
Telegram subscribers may have difficulty joining any community. For example, if you want to enter the name of a channel found on the internet into the search bar, it may turn out that such a channel does not exist in the messenger. Perhaps the selected community once posted its publications on Telegram, but then it was deleted.
Sometimes subscribers do not open the link sent as an invitation to join a private chat. Most likely, it was canceled. In this case, it is recommended to contact the person who sent the link, tell them about the problem, and ask for a new one.
Note: If the invitation is received on a third-party resource, then you will first need to log in to Telegram, only by logging into the application, the subscriber will be able to join a private chat.
Conclusion: Choose the Best Telegram Group Link
We wish you all the best in finding the necessary Telegram groups links you’re interested in. Also, save this article, in which we have collected the most important information regarding for Telegram groups links, as well as a catalog of the most popular communities. Don’t forget to share with article with your friends and colleagues on WhatsApp and other social media.