Checking in and security | Civil Aviation Authority (2024)

What to look out for

Check-in times vary from airline to airline, so it is advisable to check in well in advance of your departure date. Once you know about how much time to leave before check in, you will need to factor in how much time you need get through security and reach the departure gate with plenty of time to board your flight.

Many airlines provide information on their website about when to be present at the airport for check in. This information is usually easy to find, but a number of the larger global airlines do not publish check in times as they vary from country to country. In these situations, you may need to call the airline you are flying with, check your booking confirmation or check with your travel agent.

Unfortunately, not all airlines make this information easy to find and you may need to dig around on the website to find out your check in deadline time. This information may be in the terms and conditions, conditions of carriage or perhaps in the FAQ’s section of the airline’s website.

Check-in online

Many airlines offer the option of being able to check in online (and some only allow on-line check-in). If you check in online, you will either have to print out your boarding pass or, in some cases, you will have it on your mobile phone. This can help save you time, but it is important to keep the print out safe as you may be charged for another copy. Be aware also that some airlines require boarding passes that you print at home to be in a specific format (e.g. A4 single sided).

Once you reach the airport, you can then deposit any luggage (if you are taking any) at a designated desk.

Check-in at the airport

Depending on the airline you’re flying with, it can be cheaper to check-in online, although you should be aware that some airlines charge you to check in online. Not only is it sometimes cheaper, but you can also save yourself the hassle of standing in line at the airport to check in. If you choose to check in on-line, the time you need to arrive at the airport may vary again depending on whether you have baggage or not.

Be aware that some airlines require all passengers to check-in online and will charge you at the airport if they have to print out your boarding card. In some cases this charge can be over one hundred pounds.


The Department for Transport is responsible for the security of UK airports. Their policies are implemented at each airport by the airport security staff. Airlines and travel companies do not set these rules.

Before flying, you will go through airport security. These measures are in place to help maintain your safety, so familiarise yourself with the rules: this will help you pass through the security checks as quickly as possible. Restrictions on what you can take on board vary from time to time, so we recommend you read the latest security advice before every flight from the UK. We have produced additional detailed guidance on certain items that can cause issues at airport security.

Please remember that although all airports must adhere to relevant aviation security requirements, security procedures may vary from airport to airport. More information can be found on the website of the airport you are flying from, and usually from that of your airline or travel company.

Aviation security staff have no powers of search. However, submitting to search when requested is a condition of entry to the secure area of the airport. A refusal to submit to search will mean that you will not be allowed to fly.

Top tips:

  • Check the airline’s website in advance of your travel to find out when you need to be at the airport – if you are late and miss your flight you may need to pay for another flight to take you to your destination.
  • If you booked through an agent, they should be able to help you with your questions.
  • Are you flying to a European destination or to Asia? Depending on your destination your check in time may vary.
  • Are you travelling with hand luggage only? If you are, you may be able to check in online for free and print off your boarding pass, so all you need to do when you arrive at the airport is go straight through security.
  • Do you need to check in online? It may be a requirement of the airline that you check in online and print off your boarding pass, otherwise you might be charged for doing this at the airport.
  • Are you travelling in a group? If so you might consider giving yourself more time to check in.
  • If you’re travelling with a wheelchair or require special assistance, you are required to check in earlier. You will also need to notify your airline or travel agent that you need assistance at least 48 hours before departure.
Checking in and security | Civil Aviation Authority (2024)


Do you have to answer airport security questions? ›

Refusal to answer other questions will likely cause delay, but officials may not deny you entry into the United States for failure to answer other questions. If you are a non-citizen visa holder or visitor, you may be denied entry into the United States if you refuse to answer officers' questions.

How do I pass an airport security check? ›

Top tips for a stress-free airport security experience
  1. Keep Your Eyes and Ears Peeled.
  2. Remove Liquids and Gels Prior to Queuing.
  3. Be Prepared to Remove Those Shoes and Belts.
  4. Separate Any Large Electrical Items.
  5. Check (and Check Again) You Have Collected All of Your Belongings.

What to say when checking in at the airport? ›

Take the next step and use what you've learned!
  1. I would like to check in for my flight to London. enI would like to check in for my flight to London.
  2. London is your final destination? And I need to see your passport or ID, please. ...
  3. Yes, London is my final destination and here is my passport.

What questions are asked at an airport check-in? ›

8 Airport questions you need to be able to answer in English
  • Do you have an e-ticket or a paper ticket? ...
  • Are you checking in baggage or carrying on? ...
  • Would you like a window or aisle seat? ...
  • May I see your boarding pass? ...
  • Which gate should I board from? ...
  • Is my flight delayed or on-time? ...
  • Do you have anything to declare?

Can you refuse to answer CBP questions? ›

As always, you have the right to remain silent. Refusing to answer CBP's questions may result in the agent persisting with questioning. If this occurs, you should ask if you are being detained.

Can you go through airport security without checking in? ›

You can be through security only if you are accompanying an elderly, a minor, or a person with disabilities or if you are a military family member or if you are entering one of the airports that offer hassle-free visitor passes without a valid reason for the general public.

Why does my groin get flagged at TSA? ›

Metal Objects: If you have metal objects in your crotch area, such as zippers, buttons, or belt buckles, they can trigger the scanner to highlight that specific area for further inspection [1].

Are TSA random checks really random? ›

While it's common to hear that these extra security measures are random, the reality is more complex. Beyond sheer chance, various factors can influence why certain passengers are selected for additional screening. Understanding these factors can help demystify the process and prepare you for what to expect.

How to pass airport security faster? ›

How To Get Through Airport Security Faster: Zipping Past The...
  1. Pack Smartly: Minimise Metal & Liquids. ...
  2. Arrive Early, But Smartly. ...
  3. Dress For Success. ...
  4. Take Advantage Of TSA Precheck. ...
  5. Global Entry Is US Travellers' Best Friend. ...
  6. Get Clear. ...
  7. Book A Spot In Line. ...
  8. Flying With Premium Class.
Dec 8, 2023

Is it better to check-in online or at the airport? ›

For a short-haul flight where you are only taking hand luggage, checking in online saves a lot of time and is therefore much better than checking in at the airport. If, on the other hand, you have to check in bulky luggage, it is better to use the classic check-in at the airport for security reasons.

What is a better way to say just checking in? ›

Let's catch up!

This is ideal if you're looking to set up a phone call or meeting with the prospect, so that you can explain everything you have to offer in more detail. It gives you a concrete reason for the email and enables you to set a specific time, which the customer will (hopefully) commit to.

How to answer immigration questions? ›

Answer all questions fully, succinctly, and truthfully, but do not volunteer information unless asked. If you're unsure of the answer or do not understand a question, you should always say so rather than guess.

How to answer customs questions? ›

Answer loudly, clearly, and briefly. Don't think for a long time before you answer. Sometimes the questions just require “yes” or “no” as an answer. Also, remember that you should have all necessary documents ready (visa, work permit, birth certificate, etc.)

Can you go through airport security to say goodbye? ›

But thanks to programs at about a half-dozen airports, non-travelers can obtain a guest or visitor pass that enables them to go through the TSA checkpoint sans ticket, making those goodbyes (or greetings) at the gate possible once again.

Why do I always get flagged at the airport? ›

You're Deemed Suspicious Prior to Check-In

The TSA, as well as airports around the world, identify certain behaviors as suspicious. There is an extensive list of about 92 of these behaviors in the U.S., but the most common ones are: Paying for any of your tickets in cash. Booking only a one-way ticket out of the ...

What happens if I'm denied entry to a country on arrival? ›

If you arrive with a visa and immigration officials deny you entry, you can request a review of your case before a judge. This includes the right to an exclusion hearing or an administrative appeal.

What happens if you fail the TSA interview? ›

While you are granted a second chance to pass, a second failure will result in automatic disqualification from the test. After a second failure, you will not be allowed to take the Airport Assessment for six whole months.


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Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

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Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.