Unauthorised payments from your account (2024)

Find out more about claiming a refund, why a refund might be refused, and what to do if you’ve been tricked into making a payment to a scam account.

First published: 18/04/2016 Last updated: 20/03/2023 See all updates

On this page Unauthorised payments from your account (1)

  • Claiming a refund
  • Why a refund can be refused
  • Authorised push payment (APP) fraud 
  • Protect yourself from unauthorised transactions
  • When banks can claim your money

In most cases, money can only be taken from your bank account if you’ve authorised the transaction. But if you notice a payment from your account that you didn’t authorise, contact your bank or provider immediately.

Once you’ve told your bank, you won’t be responsible for any other unauthorised payments that might be made. Unless you’ve acted fraudulently.

If you accidentally paid the wrong person, or were charged more than expected for a service, find out how your bank can help.

Claiming a refund

If you didn’t authorise a payment, you should ask your bank for a refund. This refund should be in your account by the end of the next business day, along with any charges and interest you paid because of the transaction.

When you make your claim, your bank may ask you some questions and get you to fill out a form stating what happened. But it can’t delay your refund while it waits for you to return the form.

Deliberately making a false claim for a refund is fraud, and your bank could report it to the police.

Why a refund can be refused

Your bank can only refuse to refund an unauthorised payment if:

  • it can prove you authorised the payment
  • it can prove you acted fraudulently
  • it can prove you deliberately, or with 'gross negligence', failed to protect the details of your card, PIN or password in a way that allowed the payment
  • you only told your bank about the unauthorised payment 13 months (or more) after the date it left your account

If the unauthorised payment was from an overdrawn current account or a credit card payment, your bank can only refuse a refund if:

  • it can prove you, or someone acting on your behalf, authorised the payment
  • the loss was due to the use of a payment card (including a virtual card)by someone who had it with your consent

In all cases, banks can’t simply say that the use of your password, card or PIN proves you authorised a payment.

If your card was lost, stolen or copied, you may have to pay the first £35 of an unauthorised transaction. But this won’t be the case if you weren’t aware of the loss, or if your bank was at fault. 

Authorised push payment (APP) fraud 

It’s important you get in touch with your bank or provider as soon as possible if you think you’ve been scammed.

APP fraud is when a fraudster tricks you into making a payment to an account controlled by them.

This is different from other kinds of scams, for example, when a fraudster steals money from your account without you knowing. With APP fraud, you authorise the payment under false pretences.

If your bank or provider has signed up to the code of practice for APP scams, you can expect to get your money back if you weren’t to blame for the success of the scam.

You can find a list of firms signed up to The Contingent Reimbursem*nt Model Code (CRM Code) on the Lending Standards Board website.

Protect yourself from unauthorised transactions

When you get a debit or credit card, or sign up for online, telephone or mobile banking, you should be told how to keep your details safe.

Never share your bank account or credit card details unless you’re certain who you’re dealing with. If you’ve already given fraudsters this information, tell your bank immediately using the contact details on the Financial Services Register. 

Your bank or card issuer will also tell you how to get in touch if your card is lost or stolen, or if you think someone else knows your password or PIN.

Find out more about how to protect yourself from scams and how to report a scam.

When banks can claim your money

Your bank may be able to claim money from one of your accounts to pay your debt in another account. This is known as the right to set-off.

This could happen if you miss a loan or credit card payment and you also have a current or savings account with the bank.

If a bank wants to claim money from your account to pay a debt, it should:

  • tell you about its right to set-off at least 14 days before it's used on your account and, when appropriate, on any other occasions
  • estimate how much money needs to be left in your account to meet your priority debts and essential living expenses like your mortgage, rent and food bills
  • refund you, in most cases, if the bank later realises that money taken in set-off was intended for those priority debts or essential living expenses
  • not use set-off on money it knows is intended for certain purposes, such as where the NHS provided it for healthcare, or a third party is entitled to the money
  • tell you quickly when set-off has been used on your account

The right to claim money from your account to pay a debt should also be clearly explained in your account’s terms and conditions.

Page updates

: Editorial amendment Page update as part of the website refresh

: Information changed Money Advice Service to MoneyHelper

: Editorial amendment General page updates.

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On this page Unauthorised payments from your account (2)

  • Claiming a refund
  • Why a refund can be refused
  • Authorised push payment (APP) fraud 
  • Protect yourself from unauthorised transactions
  • When banks can claim your money

More on payments

Unauthorised payments from your account (2024)


What do you do if you have an Unauthorised payment? ›

If you suspect any unauthorised use of your card, contact your card-issuing bank immediately to block your account.

Do banks actually investigate unauthorized transactions? ›

Banks, therefore, employ comprehensive investigation procedures to combat fraud, protect their customers, and preserve their own credibility.

Why do you believe the transactions were unauthorized answers? ›

Unauthorized transactions could be made by someone you don't know, who finds or steals your card or your account information. Or they could be made by someone you know but who didn't have your permission to use the card. In either case, you would have to dispute the transactions with your card issuer.

What is an Unauthorised payment transaction? ›

Unauthorized use of a credit card or its information to make purchases, withdraw cash, or transfer funds without the cardholder's permission. Common types include: Card-not-present (CNP) fraud: Card-not-present fraud occurs in online or phone transactions where the physical card is not required.

What is considered an unauthorized payment? ›

Generally, any banking or credit card transaction that you didn't make or approve is an unauthorized transaction. Unauthorized transactions may occur when your debit or credit card is lost or stolen. Someone could also steal your identity and use your information to make transactions without your knowledge or consent.

What should you do if you have an unauthorized transaction? ›

Contact your bank right away. To limit your liability, it is important to notify the bank promptly upon discovering any unauthorized charge(s).

What if my bank won't refund an unauthorized transaction? ›

The best bet for getting your money back is to notify your bank of fraudulent charges as soon as possible. But if it's too late and your bank won't refund an unauthorized transaction, you can submit a complaint to government agencies.

Can banks find out who used your card? ›

Bank investigators will usually start with the transaction data and look for likely indicators of fraud. Time stamps, location data, IP addresses, and other elements can be used to prove whether or not the cardholder was involved in the transaction.

Do banks refund unauthorised transactions? ›

Within 3 days: According to the apex bank of India, if you, as a customer, report any incident of a fraudulent transaction within 3 days of the incident, then you will bear zero liability for it. As a result, the total amount will be refunded to your respective bank account.

What happens if you lie about an unauthorized transaction? ›

Legal Consequences

The consequences of fraud are significant. While lying in personal contexts might damage relationships or trust, fraud can lead to criminal charges, hefty fines, and civil damages.

How do banks detect unauthorized transactions? ›

Banks analyze historical transaction data to identify unusual patterns or anomalies that might indicate fraudulent activities. For instance, if a customer suddenly starts making large transactions from a device they've never used before, it could trigger an alert.

Do banks refund scammed money? ›

If you've transferred money to someone because of a scam

This type of scam is known as an 'authorised push payment'. Your bank or building society should reimburse you if it's registered with the Lending Standards Board under their Contingent Reimbursem*nt Model Code (CRM Code).

What if money unexpectedly shows up in my account? ›

If you notice a bank error in your favor, you should report it to your bank as soon as possible. You cannot keep money that was mistakenly deposited into your account; it must be returned. Failing to report and return the money could result in legal consequences, such as criminal charges.

Will banks investigate unauthorized transactions? ›

In the most basic sense, the bank fraud investigation process is relatively straightforward. The bank is alerted of suspicious activity through either the bank's detection system or from fraud claims from customers. They then collect all the information they have before conducting a thorough investigation.

What happens if someone pays money into your account by mistake? ›

Legally, if a sum of money is accidentally paid into your bank or savings account and you know that it doesn't belong to you, you must pay it back.

How do I get my money back from unauthorized payments? ›

Report the Incident to Your Bank

If you used a linked bank account or credit card for the transaction, you might have additional recourse through your financial institution. Contact 1-844-627-3528 your bank or card issuer to report the transaction and inquire about initiating a chargeback.

What to do after unauthorised transaction? ›

Contact your bank

After blocking your card, reach out to your bank's customer service immediately to report unauthorised transactions. You can also visit the nearest branch to report it in person. Provide your bank with all the necessary details.

Can an unauthorized payment be reversed? ›

If a cardholder believes a debit from their bank account was fraudulent or has any issues with a purchase, odds are they can call their bank and get their money back.

How do I get a refund from an Unauthorised transaction? ›

If someone has fraudulently withdrawn money from your bank account, inform your bank immediately. When you notify the bank, remember to take acknowledgement from your bank. The bank has to resolve your complaint within 90 days from the date of receipt.


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