What to know about 'NFL Sunday Ticket' case that could cost the league billions (2024)

Nine years after “NFL Sunday Ticket” subscribers sued the league, alleging it broke antitrust laws, the trial for a case that could cost the NFL billions is underway in federal court. Arguments began earlier this month in the trial, which has featured testimony from NFL commissioner Roger Goodell and Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones, and jury deliberations are expected to begin Wednesday, according to the Associated Press.


Originating from a lawsuit filed in 2015, subscribers to “NFL Sunday Ticket” have accused the league, its teams, and its network partners of working together to sell the out-of-market sports package at an inflated price and restrict competition.

The NFL has argued it was able to sell the viewing package under an antitrust exemption for broadcasting, while the plaintiffs have said the exemption only covers over-the-air broadcasts instead of paid TV, according to the AP.

The plaintiffs are seeking $7 billion in damages, but because it’s a federal antitrust case in which damages can triple, that number could increase to $21 billion.

What is “NFL Sunday Ticket”?

The league began offering its “NFL Sunday Ticket” package in 1994 as an option for out-of-market fans to watch their home team. For example, a Miami Dolphins fan in Las Vegas can watch the Dolphins’ regular-season games that wouldn’t be offered on local TV in Las Vegas.

Sports bars and restaurants, aiming to attract business by showing games of out-of-market teams, are also among subscribers.

Until last season, DirecTV exclusively distributed “NFL Sunday Ticket” in the U.S., but the package moved exclusively to Google’s YouTube TV in 2023.

Who’s included in the lawsuit?

The original complaint was filed on behalf of the Mucky Duck bar in San Francisco. Last year, a district judge ruled the case could proceed as a class action filed on behalf of more than 2.4 million residential subscribers and 48,000 businesses that bought the package from June 17, 2011, to Feb. 7, 2023, per the AP.

The NFL, its teams and network partners DirecTV, CBS, ESPN and Fox, are listed as defendants in the case.

What are the key arguments?

The plaintiffs alleged the NFL and its broadcast partners worked to suppress competition in violation of the Sherman Antitrust Act by entering into exclusive agreements, limiting fans’ options to only watch out-of-market games through “NFL Sunday Ticket.”


“Plaintiffs claim that absent the allegedly anticompetitive agreements at issue, the telecasts available on Sunday Ticket would be available through other means, which would result in more access to telecasts of NFL games at lower prices,” a summary of the case states.

Goodell and Jones, in their testimony, defended the league’s broadcast model, with Goodell calling “NFL Sunday Ticket” a “premium product,” according to the AP.

“We have been clear throughout that it is a premium product,” he said. “Not just on pricing but quality. Fans make that choice whether they wanted it or not. I’m sure there were fans who said it was too costly.”

What they’re saying

Goodell also said the league put “NFL Sunday Ticket” on DirecTV because it was one of the few platforms with national distribution, per the AP. He also referenced the fragmented nature of cable companies as the league’s reasoning for why the package wasn’t available on cable. Goodell praised the league’s broadcast model in which all games are available locally with over-the-air programming.

“We sing it from the mountaintops,” he said, per the AP. “We want to reach the broadest possible audience on free television. I think we are very pro-consumer. Our partners have found ways to build our fan base.”

Without “NFL Sunday Ticket,” an alternative option would be for teams to separately sell their out-of-market rights, which the highly-watched Cowboys could potentially greatly profit from relative to other teams. Jones, however, called that model “flawed.”

“I am convinced I would make a lot more money than the Bengals,” he said, per the AP. “I’m completely against each team doing TV deals. It is flawed.”

What’s next?

The trial began on June 6 in Los Angeles and both sides wrapped up Monday, per the AP. But the case could drag out long after, as the losing side could appeal to other courts.

(Photo of Roger Goodell: Ezra Shaw / Getty Images)

Alex Andrejev is a staff editor on the news team. Before joining The Athletic, she covered NASCAR and Charlotte FC for The Charlotte Observer and was a reporting intern on the sports desk for The Washington Post. She grew up near Washington, D.C.

What to know about 'NFL Sunday Ticket' case that could cost the league billions (2024)


What is the NFL Sunday Ticket case? ›

The lawsuit claimed the league broke antitrust laws by selling its package of Sunday games at an inflated price. The subscribers also say the league restricted competition by offering “Sunday Ticket” only on a satellite provider. The NFL said it would appeal the verdict.

How much money will I get from a Sunday Ticket lawsuit? ›

The 2.4 million fans who purchased Sunday Ticket will take home around $1,958 and the 48,000 business owners will net $2,000 each, though inflation could change that number.

What does the Sunday Ticket verdict mean? ›

After a four-week trial, a Los Angeles jury awarded $4.7 billion in damages to fans who had purchased the NFL's out-of-market Sunday Ticket package between 2011 and 2022. An additional $96 million was awarded to bar and restaurant owners who purchased the package.

Who gets most of the money in a class action lawsuit? ›

The lead class plaintiff or plaintiffs typically receive a more significant share of a class settlement. The reason is that the lead plaintiff does most of the work before, during, and after legal proceedings, playing an active role in hearings, trials, and other court proceedings.

What is the biggest class action lawsuit payouts? ›

Tobacco Settlement at $206 Billion

The largest-ever class action settlement was agreed upon in 1998 by Philip Morris, RJ Reynolds, and two other tobacco companies. Paid out annually over 25 years, the settlement covered the medical costs for smoking-related injuries for individuals in 46 US states.

What is Sunday Ticket trial? ›

The case revolved around allegations that the league and its 32 teams conspired in violation of antitrust laws to allow the NFL to reach exclusive deals with broadcast partners for the right to air out-of-market games.

What happens after the verdict is read? ›

The judge will then ask the attorneys if they wish to have the jury polled. "Polling a jury", means that the clerk will ask each juror individually if this is their verdict, and each juror must answer out loud. After the verdict and decision on award or punishment is announced, the judge will dismiss the jury.

What happens when there is a verdict? ›

After reaching a decision, the jury notifies the bailiff, who notifies the judge. All of the participants reconvene in the courtroom and the decision is announced. The announcement may be made by either the foreperson or the court clerk. Possible verdicts in criminal cases are guilty or not guilty.

Who gets money from the Sunday Ticket lawsuit? ›

A jury in U.S. District Court has ordered the NFL to pay billions in damages to Sunday Ticket subscribers who filed a class action lawsuit against the league, according to multiple reports. The NFL was ordered to pay $4 billion to residential subscribers and $96 million to commercial subscribers.

Does Amazon Prime offer an NFL Sunday Ticket? ›

Can I watch NFL Sunday Ticket on Amazon Prime Video? No, you can't get NFL Sunday Ticket on Amazon Prime Video.


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